APPENDIX 2.1A Simple Random SamplingA procedure for selecting n units out of the N possible units so that all possible samples have an equal chance of being selectedSTRATIFIED RANDOM SAMPLINGThree steps to stratified samplingStratified Sampling ExampleStrata weightsAllocation of samplesEqual AllocationProportional AllocationOptimal AllocationSYSTEMATIC SAMPLINGApparent advantages over simple random samplingAPPENDIX 2.1 B Sampling Design Software User's ManualNotice to Program RecipientsSampling Design Software User's ManualWaterways Experiment Station Cataloging-in-Publication DataContentsContents (cont.)Introduction - REFERENCES0024Contents of the SDS DiskInstallation - REFERENCES0026Hardware RequirementsDecision Matrices - REFERENCES0028Data EntryError Messages - REFERENCES0030Documented Session - REFERENCES0031Decision Matrices - REFERENCES0032Decision Matrices (cont.) - REFERENCES0033Decision Matrices (cont.) - REFERENCES0034Decision Matrices (Cont.) - REFERENCES0035Decision Matrices (Cont.) - REFERENCES0036Sample Size - REFERENCES0037CostSample Size - REFERENCES0039Example Output File - REFERENCES0040Variance Component AnalysisAn example data set, EG.VAR, is provided on the SDS distribution disketteA portion of Data Group 4 with column identifiersA data set for a two factor variance component analysisProgram Execution - REFERENCES0045Error Messages - REFERENCES0046variance Component Analysis Sampling Design Software - Version 2.0Select output route - REFERENCES0048VARCOM prompts for the output file nameVARCOM displays the results of the variance component analysisEau Galle - Chlorophyll - May 1981Example Output File - REFERENCES0052Error Analysis - REFERENCES0053An example datra set, EG.ERR, is provided on the SDS distribution disketteError Messages - REFERENCES0055Error Analysis Sampling Design Software - Version 2.0Select output route - REFERENCES0057Select output route (cont.)Statified Sample StatisticsStatified Sample Statistics (cont.)Strata StaticticsError Analysis - REFERENCES0062Eau Galle - 1981 - Station 20Eau Galle - 1981 - Station 20, Error AnalysisChoose to either run ERROR onanother data set or exit from the programExample Output File - REFERENCES0066Cluster AnalysisData Set PreparationProgram Execution - REFERENCES0069Documented Session - REFERENCES0070Entering the command "CLUSTER" at the DOS prompt begins the programCLUSTER promts for the output file namePress F1 and the following is displayedPress F2 for the Average Linkage help windowAssume F2 was pressed toreturn to the method selection screen nad then F4 was selected to bing upthe help window on Wards methodPress A to select the average linkage methodThe next 20 lines of the output are displayedThe display returns to the top of the output fileThe display moves up three lines.A second help window appears describing the association between ID numbers and the entity names in the data setPress F2 to continue followed by F1 for the help menu and F6 for the dendrogram help windowExample Output File - REFERENCES0082Example Output File (cont.)References - REFERENCES0084BibliographyBibliography (cont.)Report Documentation PageAppendix 2.2A THE NONPOINT SOURCE MANAGER'S GUIDE TO WATER QUALITY AND LAND TREATMENT MONITORINGThe Nonpoint Source Manager's Guide to Water Quality and Land Treatment MonitoringAcknowledgementsImportant MessagesOverview of Monitoring ProgramThe Relationship Between Management and MonitoringFigure 1.1 The development of a nonpoint source control monitoring programOverview of a Monitoring ProgramFigure 1.2 Land treatment and water quality monitoring program design.Management Objectives and Problem DocumentationMonitoring Program ObjectivesTable 3.1 Monitoring Objectives and Level of Detail.Minimum Detectable Change and Making Program DecisionsTable 3.2. Example Primary Variables and Explanatory Variables for Trend MonitoringLand Treatment and Land Use MonitoringLevel Land Treatment and Land Use MonitoringTable 3.3 Land Use and Land Treatment Explanatory VariablesStream Monitoring LocationsWater Quality Monitoring VariablesColiform BacteriaBenthic MacroinvertibratesZooplanktonHabitat Variables - REFERENCES0115Physical and Chemical VariablesFigure 3.1 Appropriate time and space scales for water quality problemsSedimentationBiological VariablesDensity. Algal density is the number of units or individual algae in a sampleMacrophytesHabitat Variables - REFERENCES0122Stream Fish HabitatTransects, Maps, and Aerial Photography for Habitat MeasurementsFigure 3.2a Transects for habitat evaluation perpendicular to the main direction of stream flowFigure 3.3a,b Stream section diagrams to illustrate detailed mapping analyses of fish habitatLake and Reservoir Fish Habitat EvaluationsFigure 3.4 Lake habitat zonesChemical and Physical MonitoringPollutant Loading Rate MonitoringLevel II Pollutant Loading Rate MonitoringMonitoring Program DesignFormulating a Specific Monitoring ObjectiveProblem DocumentationProblem Documentation Sample TimingDetecting TrendsDetecting ImpactMonitoring Design and the Use of Existing DataFeatures of the Experimental DesignFigure 4.2. Upstream/downstream and pre- and post-BMP designMultiple Watersheds and Pre- and Post-BMPControl and Reference SitesLakes and Reservoirsa significant decrease over a yearPreliminary SamplingCoverage Through TimeMatching the Land Treatment and Water Quality Data on a Temporal ScaleData CollectionData Analysis - REFERENCES0152Program EvaluationConclusions - REFERENCES0156References - REFERENCES0158References (cont.) - REFERENCES0159References (cont.) - REFERENCES0160References (cont.) - REFERENCES0161References (cont.) - REFERENCES0162References (cont.) - REFERENCES0163References (cont.) - REFERENCES0164GlossaryGlossary (cont.) - REFERENCES0167Glossary (cont.) - REFERENCES0168Glossary (cont.) - REFERENCES0169EVALUATION of the EXPERIMENTAL RURAL CLEAN WATER PROGRAMWater Qualify Monitoring, Evaluation, and ReportingWater Quality Problem Definition and Problem AssessmentMonitoring ObjectivesQuality Monitoring PlanWafer Quality Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (cont.) - REFERENCES0176Spatial and Temporal Considerations for MonitoringVariablesWafer Quality Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (cont.) - REFERENCES0179Data Management and AnalysisAppendix 2.4A Evaluation of Methods for In Situ Monitoring of Releases from Hydro power ProjectsEvaluation of Methods for In Situ Monitoring of Release from Hydropower ProjectsManual SamplingSuccessful ExampleFigure 1. manual sampling locations for Chattahoocheee River below West Point DamAutomated Remote MonitoringRepresentativeness of a Sample LocationFigure 2. Plan view of dam monitoring locationsFigure 3. Cross section of dam monitoring locationsTapping Water from Spiral CaseDownstream Face of DamCommunications for Automatic Remote MonitoringInterferenceReferences - REFERENCES0194APPENDIX 2.4B Remote Monitoring of Hydroprojects: Design, Installation, and Verification of Remote Monitoring SystemsRemote Monitoring of Hydroprojects: Design, Installation, and Verification of Remote Monitoring SystemsFigure 1. Flow diagram for water quality automated monitor system designSite CharacterizationFigure 2. Columbia River basinMonitor EquipmentData InterpretationFigure 4. Savannah River basinFigure 6. Hartwell Dam operation and release temperaturesFigure 7. Richard B. Russell original downstream monitorFigure 9. Bull Shoals powerhouse, White River, ArkansasConclusions - REFERENCES0206Point of Contact - REFERENCES0207APPENDIX 2.4C Statistical Verification of Mean-Value Fixed Water Quality Monitor Sites in Flowing WatersStatistical Verification of Mean-Value Fixed Water Quality Monitor Sites in Flowing WatersFigure 1. Possible sources of heterogeneities in flowing waterFigure 2. Cross section of flow with evenly spaced sample stations along a transectStatistical ComparisonDetermining the Power of the Test - REFERENCES0213Example 1: Columbia River Camas/Washougal Station--Hand CalculationTable 2. Differences (D), Squares of Differences (D2), and Totals for Data Specified in Table 1 (Sample Size, n = 8)Figure 6. Normal probability plot of the differences between transect and fixed monitor station pairs of observationsExample 2: Columbia and Snake Rivers Fixed Monitoring SystemTable 3. Verification of Fixed Monitor Station Location with Transect DataDetermining the Power of the Test - REFERENCES0219Table 4. Calculation of Parameters Needed to Determine d, β, and the Power of the TestConclusions - REFERENCES0221Point of Contact - REFERENCES0222APPENDIX 3.1A Elements of a Model Program for Nonpoint Source Pollution ControlMethodsResults - REFERENCES0226Elements of a Model Program for Nonpoint Source Pollution ControlsFigure 1. Model program and project timetableProject SelectionProgram FundingProject Proposal and Plan of Work DevelopmentProject Technical SupportImplementing the Plan of WorkImplementing the Plan of Work (cont.) - REFERENCES0234Implementing the Plan of Work (cont.) - REFERENCES0235Evaluation and ReportingConclusionAPPENDIX 3.1B Planning and Managing a Successful Nonpoint Source Pollution Control ProjectThe Rural Clean Water Program ExperienceDocument the Water Quality ProblemDefine Objectives and GoalsObtain FundingDefine the Critical AreaAssessing Project EffectivenessReferences - REFERENCES0246North Carolina Cooperative Extension ServiceAPPENDIX 3.1C Farmer Participation in Solving the Nonpoint Source Pollution ProblemThe Importance of Producer Participation in Voluntary Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Control ProjectsIncentives To Producer ParticipationTechnology Transfer: The Importance of Information and Education ProgramsEnvironmental ConcernsKey Points of Farmer ParticipationCommunity SupportAPPENDIX 4.2A BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTIONSAppendix A: Best Management Practices and DescriptionsConservation Cover (327)Contour Farming (330)Contour Stripcropping (585)Crop Residue Use (344)Diversion (362)Filter Strip (393)Grassed Waterway (412)Hedgerow Planting (422)Irrigation System, Drip or Trickle (441)Irrigation System, Tailwater Recovery (447)Lined Waterway or Outlet (468)Mulching (484)Pond (378)Pumped Well Drain (532)Spring Development (574)Surface Drainage Field Ditch (607)Waste Management System (312)Water and Sediment Control Basin (638)Wetland Restoration (657A)APPENDIX 4.2B EXAMPLES OF COSTS FOR BMPsTABLE 1 For seeding Waterways, Diversions, Field Borders, Filter Strips, Dams, Sediment Basins, and Critical Area PlantingINCENTIVE PAYMENTSAVERAGE COST LIST FOR BMP COMPONENTSFilter StripDiversionTerraceSpring DevelopmentStream Crossings and Stock TrailsStream Crossings and Stock Trails (cont.)Components of Waste Management Structures/SystemsDry Stack/Litter Storage Facility with roofReinforced concrete or block wallsSlurry Storage StructureControlled Livestock Lounging AreaHeavy Use Area ProtectionSediment BasinCorrugated Pipes Roofed Agri-Chemicl Handling FacilityPlumbing itemsRiparian BufferSteambank StabilizationCOMPONENTS WHICH ARE COMMON TO TWO OR MORE PRACTICESGrading and shapingConcrete and MasonryPipe and fittingsPerforated drainage tubingCorrugated SteelCorrugated Aluminum (CAP)Trash guardsAnti-seep collarsPipe drops and surface inlets (installed)APPENDIX 4.2C COST EFFECTIVENESS STUDYCost-Effectiveness of Agricultural BMPs for Nutrient Reduction in the Tar-Pamlico BasinExecutive SummaryResults - REFERENCES0317Results (cont.)Table ES-1. Summary of Nutrient Reduction Cost-Effectiveness Estimates for Cost-Shared Practices in the Tar-Pamlico Basin'Table ES-1. Summary of Nutrient Reduction Cost-Effectiveness Estimates for Cost-Shared Practices in the Tar-Pamlico Basin' (cont.) - REFERENCES0320Table ES-1. Summary of Nutrient Reduction Cost-Effectiveness Estimates for Cost-Shared Practices in the Tar-Pamlico Basin' (cont.) - REFERENCES0321Introduction - REFERENCES0330Definition of TermsDeveloping BMP Cost-Effectiveness Values for the Tar-Pamlico BasinSources of BMP Effectiveness DataFigure 2-1. Chesapeake mo Modeling subbasins in ecoregions common to the Tar-Pamlico Basin.Cost-Effectiveness Calculation MethodsEquations for Calculating.Cost-EffectivenessResults - REFERENCES0337Animal Waste ManagementLand ApplicationEffectiveness of Land Application Relative to Typical Preexisting conditions Table 2-3. Surface and Subsurface Losses from Land Application of Animal WastesEffectiveness of Land Application Relative to Typical Preexisting conditions (Cont.)Table 2-4. Estimates of Surface and Subsurface Nutrient Loss from Land ApplicationTable 2-5. Cost-Effectiveness of Agronomic Land Application Relative to Excess Application Table 2-6. Effectiveness of Land Application Relative to Direct DischargeTable 2-7. Cost-Effectiveness of Land Application Relative to Direct DischargeLagoon Effectiveness Relative to Typical Preexisting ConditionsLagoon Effectiveness Relative to Typical Preexisting Conditions (Cont.) - REFERENCES0348Table 2-9.Conversion of Lagoon Cost FiguresTable 2-10. Cost-Effectiveness of Anaerobic Lagoons Relative to Land Application at Excess Rates Lagoon Effectiveness Relative to Typical Preexisting Conditions (Cont.) - REFERENCES0351Table 2-11. Effectiveness of Lagoon Cost-Sharing Relative to Direct Discharge'Table 2-12. Cost-Effectiveness of Anaerobic Lagoons Relative to Direct DischargeComposting of Poultry MortalityWater Control StructuresTable 2-13. Water Control Structures Cost DataTable 2-14. Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Water Control StructuresTable 2-15. Cost Data for Grassed Waterways and DiversionsTable 2-16. Cost Data for Cropland Conversion Conservation Tillage Figure 2-2. Conservation tillage effectiveness.Table 2-18. Cost Data for TerracingTable 2-19. Effectiveness Estimates for TerracingTable 2-20. Cost Data for VFSs Field Borders, and StripcroppingTable 2-21. Effectiveness data for VFSs, Field Borders, and StripcroppingNutrient ManagementNutrient Management (Cont.)Figure 2-6. Nutrient management cost-effectiveness.Table 2-22. Summary of Nutrient Reduction Cost-Effectiveness Estimates for Cost-Shared Practices in the Tar-Pamlico Basin'Table 2-22 (continued) - REFERENCES0370Table 2-22 (continued) - REFERENCES0371Figure 2-7. Summary of nutrient removal cost-effectiveness rangesChapter 3. The Need for a Safety Factor Loading Factor VariabilityMaskingSimulated Field Conditions/Sampling TechniquesCost EscalationChapter 4. Discussion and Recommendations Chapter 4. Discussion and Recommendations (Cont.) - REFERENCES0381Chapter 4. Discussion and Recommendations (Cont.) - REFERENCES0382Chapter 4. Discussion and Recommendations (Cont.) - REFERENCES0383References - REFERENCES0384References (cont.) - REFERENCES0385References (cont.) - REFERENCES0386References (cont.) - REFERENCES0387References (cont.) - REFERENCES0388Appendix 1. The Tar-Pamlico Nutrient Trading Program Determining initial Load Reduction, Goals, and CostsTable A1-1. Schedule Nutrient Loads and Payments 'Unknown' by Unknown - Page 1 of 542Implementing the Nutrient Trading Program (Cont.)Appendix 2. The Chesapeake Bay Watershed ModelAssumptions and LimitationsAppendix 3. Summary of BMP Cost Data for Counties in the Tar-Pamlico BasinConventional Tillage Cropland Loading Factors for Chesapeake Subbasins in Ecoregions 63 and 65 (Carnacho, 1992)Estimation of BMP Nutrient Load ReductionsClaculations of Trading Values for Phase and Phase II (Cont.)Estimating a trading valueAppendix 5. Calculation of Trading Values for PhaseAppendix 6: Calculations of Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness for Animal Waste PracticesCalculation of Lagoon Cost Effectiveness Ralative to direct Discharge ( Continued )Calculation of Land Apllication Cost effectiveness Relative to direct Discharge Calculation of Lagoon Cost-Effetiveness relative to Excess and Application Anaerobic Lagoon Cost Conversions APPENDIX 4.9A WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT FOR RESERVOIRS AND TAILWATERSPART III. PRERESERVOIR TREATMENTTheory and Design - REFERENCES0413Prereservoir phosphorus removal - REFERENCES0414Wetlands - REFERENCES0415Diversionary streamsPrereservoir phosphorus removal - REFERENCES0417Wetlands - REFERENCES0418Limitations and Concerns - REFERENCES0419Siltation basins and wetlandsSummary - REFERENCES0421Table 2. Summary of Prereservoir TreatmentsReferences - REFERENCES0423References (Cont.) - REFERENCES0424References (Cont.) - REFERENCES0425PART IV: PHOSPHORUS INACTIVATION Theory and Design - REFERENCES0427Theory and Design (Cont.) - REFERENCES0428Figure 6. Changes in dissolved aluminum concentration (dashed line) and total alkalinity (solid line) for water from OhioFigure 7. Estimated aluminum sulfate dose (mg Al required to obtain pH 6 i.e., "maximum dose") in treated water of varying initial alkalinity and (from Kennedy and Cooke 1982)Theory and Design (Cont.) - REFERENCES0431Figure 8. Generalized diagram of an alum application system (from Kennedy and Cooke 198'2)Effectiveness, Costs, and Feasibility - REFERENCES0433Annabessacook Lake, MaineLake Charles East, IndianaLimitations and Concerns - REFERENCES0436Limitations and Concerns (Cont.) - REFERENCES0437Summary - REFERENCES0438Table 3. Summary of Phosphorus InactivationReferences - REFERENCES0440References (Cont.) - REFERENCES0441References (Cont.) - REFERENCES0442PART 5. DILUTION AND FLUSHINGTheory and Design Theory and Design (Cont.)Figure 9. Percent change in in-lake phosphorus concentration following dilution with water containing no phosphorus (after Uttormark and Hutchins 1978). (See text for explanation)Figure 10. Percent change in in-lake phosphorus concentration fol- lowing dilution with water having a phosphorus concentration that is 40 percent of the normal, undiluted inflow water (after Uttormark and Hutchins 1978). (See text for explanation)Effectiveness, Costs, and Feasibility - REFERENCES0448Green Lake, WashingtonLimitations and Concerns - REFERENCES0450Table 4. Summary of Dilution and FlushingReferences - REFERENCES0452PART VI. SEDIMENT REMOVALApplication of the methodsediments and sediment budgetContainment area designDetermination of sediment removal depthEffectiveness and CostsLimitations and Concerns - REFERENCES0459Limitations and Concerns (Cont.) - REFERENCES0460Summary - REFERENCES0461References - REFERENCES0462References (Cont.) - REFERENCES0463References (Cont.) - REFERENCES0464References (Cont.) - REFERENCES0465Problem Addressed - REFERENCES0467Theory and Design - REFERENCES0468Table 10. A Summary of the Response of Some Common Nuisance Macrophytes to Drawdown ( Modified from Cooke et al. 1986 )Effectiveness, Costs, and Feasibility - REFERENCES0471Limitations and Concerns - REFERENCES0472Summary - REFERENCES0473Table 11. Summary of Water Level DrawdomnSummary (Cont.) - REFERENCES0475Problem Addressed - REFERENCES0476Effectiveness, Costs, and Feasibility - REFERENCES0477]Effectiveness, Costs, and Feasibility (Cont.) - REFERENCES0479Effectiveness, Costs, and Feasibility (Cont.) - REFERENCES0480Table 12. Comparison Between Midwest and Florida Cost Ranges (1987 Dollars) for Harvesting and Herbicide Treatments of Lakes and ReservoirsLimitations and Concerns - REFERENCES0482Summary - REFERENCES0483Table 13. Summary of HarvestingSummary (Cont.) - REFERENCES0485Summary (Cont.) - REFERENCES0486Problem Addressed - REFERENCES0488ReproductionFood preferencesTable 14. Feeding Preference List, in Approximate Order of Preference, for TriploidTable 14 ( Continued )Table 14 (Concluded)Food preferences (Cont.)Stocking ratesCase historiesEnvironmental ImpactsEnvironmental Impacts (Cont.)Insects and Plant PathogensInsects and Plant Pathogens (Cont.) - REFERENCES0500Insects and Plant Pathogens (Cont.) - REFERENCES0501BiomanipulationFigure 14. The aquatic food chain, indicating between the components of the biomanipulation model (after Shapiro et al. )Biomanipulation (Cont.) - REFERENCES0504Biomanipulation (Cont.) - REFERENCES0505Biomanipulation (Cont.) - REFERENCES0506Summary - REFERENCES0507References - REFERENCES0508References (Cont.) - REFERENCES0509References (Cont.) - REFERENCES0510References (Cont.) - REFERENCES0511References (Cont.) - REFERENCES0512References (Cont.) - REFERENCES0513Problem Addressed - REFERENCES0514Theory and Design - REFERENCES0515Effectiveness, Costs, and Feasibility - REFERENCES0516DartekPolypropyleneOther materialsLimitations and Concerns - REFERENCES0520Summary of Features of Sediment Covering MaterialsTable 17. A Summary of Sediment Covers Summary - REFERENCES0523Problems AddressedEffectiveness and FeasibilityCopper-containing compoundsEndothallEndothall (Cont.)FluridoneTable 18. Common Aquatic Weed Species and Their Responses to Herbicides Table 18 (Concluded)Costs Limitations and Concerns - REFERENCES0533Summary - REFERENCES0534Table 19. Summary of Algicides and HerbicidesReferences - REFERENCES0536References (Cont.) - REFERENCES0537References (Cont.) - REFERENCES0538References (Cont.) - REFERENCES0539References (Cont.) - REFERENCES0540References (Cont.) - REFERENCES0541Handbook on Water quality Enhancement techniques for Reserviors and Tailwaters REFERENCES - index